June 6th-the 12th New York observes Invasive Species Awareness Week (NYISAW).
The mission of NYISAW is to promote knowledge and understanding of invasive species and the harm they can cause and to engage the public to take action to stop the spread of invasive species.
Organizations across all of New York State are offering a variety of engaging events, such as interpretive hikes, volunteer days, webinars, movie screenings, and fun family activities! By participating in NYISAW, you can help protect your community’s natural spaces, learn about the emerging invasive species, meet your neighbors, get outdoors, and even win prizes!
Get involved and join guided hikes, paddles, workshops, webinars, and other events during this year’s NYISAW! Win prizes by playing an invasive species BINGO game, participating in an iMapInvasives Challenge, or filling out the NYISAW survey after attending an event.
Webinars will be hosted by the NY PRISM Network Monday through Friday at 1 pm and 7 pm.

Date: Tuesday, June 7th at 1 pm
Learn of invasive plant species to avoid growing and of their native alternatives, and how to support pollinators in your garden.

Date: Friday, June 10th
Urban Arboretum Walk & Talk: 6 pm-7 pm (Meet out front of City Hall on Washington Street, in Watertown, NY.)
Downtown Engagements: 7pm-10pm
Documentary Viewing: 7:30 pm at Downtown Local Lounge located at 137 Franklin Street, Watertown, NY. Attend viewing to enter a raffle for prizes!

Date: Saturday, June 11th 9:3oam-2 pm.
Join a guided walk, paddle, and demonstrations. Learn about invasive species management & restoration work being done at South Sandy Creek as part of our Aquatic Restoration Initiative.

Date: Saturday, June 11th, 10 am-2 pm.
Help remove swallow-wort at the Minna Anthony Common Nature Center at Wellesley Island State Park.

Win prizes by playing BINGO, taking an iMapInvasives Challenge or by filling out the NYISAW Participant’s Survey.
This video was created by the PRISM Network in observance of New York’s Invasive Species Awareness Week (NYISAW) held annually June 6th-12th. NYISAW is an education and outreach campaign aimed to raise awareness of invasive species and engage the public to take action to prevent the spread of invasive species. Events are held across New York State, visit www.nyis.info/nyisaw to view a list of events and learn more about NYISAW.
Video Credits: Jacquelyn Briggs- LIISMA PRISM Abigail Bezrutczyk- LIISMA PRISM Cara Fernandes-LIISMA PRISM Haley Gladitsch-LIISMA PRISM Megan Pistolese-Shaw- SLELO PRISM Dan Snider-Catskill PRISM Hannah Coppola- Capital PRISM Music by Dustin Shaw
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