This article was featured in the 2022 Winter Newsletter by Rob Williams- SLELO PRISM Program Manager.

Manager's Memo

Invasive species of plants, animals, insects, and microorganisms are among the most serious threats to the health of our lands and waters. Invasive species are opportunistic and almost always out-compete, damage, or replace native species resulting in serious disruptions in ecosystem processes and balance. 

These processes include such things as the interdependency on food and habitat, hydrology, carbon release, nutrient cycling, natural succession, soil erosion, and water quality. Invasive species also cause a significant disruption of biodiversity on our lands and in our waters.

The work of our PRISM and partners has a far greater impact than just within our own regional footprint. By protecting and promoting native species we are creating more resilient landscapes. Resilient to changes in climate, along with stresses caused by non-native species, and human encroachment.

Please take some time to review our most recent Annual Report on our website. In the report, you’ll find an overview of our many accomplishments. Kudos to all who have helped with this effort!

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