Survey Methods and Observations

The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) survey of the SLELO-PRISM region was conducted from January 2021 to April 2021. Several Highly Probable Areas (HPAs) within the 13 Priority Conservation Areas (PCAs) were surveyed by Brittney Rogers, Robert Smith, Megan Pistolese, and Frank Williams for signs and symptoms of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA).

The following tables of the PCAs include the location of each HPA, average HWA density, % of trees infested, crown density, and whether hemlock needleminer (Coleotechnites spp.) or tip blight (Sirrococcus tsugae) was found on these trees. The tables indicate that HWA was found at three of these sites (Independence Park, Camp Hollis, and Oswego County Reforestation Area). Landowners/managers have no obligation to treat this insect, but we encourage treatment for two reasons; 1) to protect the land managers investments by supporting tree stand health, integrity and resiliency to other forest pests and pathogens and 2) to reduce the rate of spread of HWA into other parts of our region. All data was recorded using iMap3 Forest Pest Data Collection Tool.

Of the 30 HPAs searched, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid was detected at 3 HPAs.

Survey Sites Overview

Priority Conservation Area- Camp Hollis

Priority Conservation Area-Camp Zerbe

Priority Conservation Area-Chateauay Wildlife Management Area

Priority Conservation Area-Frank Jadwin/Hogsback State Forest

Priority Conservation Area-Great Bear Recreation Area

Priority Conservation Area-Independence Park

Priority Conservation Area-Jackson Hill State Forest

Priority Conservation Area-Lake Julia Preserve

Priority Conservation Area-Noyes Bird Sanctuary

Priority Conservation Area-Oswego County Reforestation Area

Priority Conservation Area-Rainbow Shores Preserve

Priority Conservation Area-Salmon River Falls

Priority Conservation Area-Three Mile Bay Wildlife Management Area