This article was featured in the 2023 Autumn Newsletter by Thom Allgaier-Invasive Species Coordinator NYS AGM.
2023 has been a busy year for New York State Agriculture and Markets (AGM). Since first being detected Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) (Lycorma delicatula) has slowly spread out and is now confirmed in 17 states. Closer to home SLF can now be found in 23 of New York’s 62 counties. The highest populations are in New York City, Westchester, and western Long Island. We continue to monitor the spread of SLF with the help of community scientists, the PRISM network, and our own staff as well as other state agencies. Outside of NYC, Nassau, and Westchester counties, we encourage the public to report SLF sightings. You can report sightings of SLF directly to the NYS AGM online form.
Reports can also be submitted to iMapInvasives. The online reporting tool allows us to best direct efforts to diminish the impacts on agricultural production areas, such as orchards and vineyards. AGM and other stakeholders continue to survey, trap, vacuum, scrape, and chemically treat SLF populations across the state. SLF egg-laying is currently occurring. Be vigilant in your efforts to spot these life stages during your survey efforts and report them if you are north of Westchester.

Box Tree Moth (Cydalima perspectalis) is another invasive pest AGM is working to contain. In 2021 shortly after Box Tree Moth (BTM) was first detected in Niagara County, AGM put a quarantine in place. The quarantine was recently updated on September 20, 2023 to encompass all of Erie, Genesee, Monroe, Niagara, Orleans, and Wayne counties. Since then, BTM has been detected in Cayuga and Oswego counties-this being the first time BTM has been found in the SLELO PRISM region. The quarantine will be revised again in the coming months to address these new detections. The primary and only observed host in North America is Boxwood. Often found at culturally important sites like cemeteries, libraries, and historic sites Boxwood is praised for being shade tolerant and resistant to deer browsing. You can report BTM sightings directly to the NYS AGM online, and learn more about this species on their website.

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