Volunteer Surveillance Network Virtual Trainings
Pick a Time Slot to Attend a Virtual Training Training times are flexible The SLELO PRISM's invasive species Volunteer Surveillance Network (VSN) is intended to recruit and train volunteers to […]
Pick a Time Slot to Attend a Virtual Training Training times are flexible The SLELO PRISM's invasive species Volunteer Surveillance Network (VSN) is intended to recruit and train volunteers to […]
The spotted lanternfly is out in full force in some parts of the state - luckily we have a network of professionals and volunteers working together to monitor its spread. Tune in to the next iMapInvaisves webinar on Wednesday, September 14th, at 10 AM to learn more about the spotted lanternfly, its preferred host plant […]
SLELO PRISM Partner Meeting Schedule: Our partners have decided to meet on a seasonal/quarterly basis. We will meet the third week of these months: January, April, July, and October alternating between Wednesdays and Thursdays, starting at 10 am.
If you want to receive partner meeting announcements please email rwilliams@tnc.org .
Save the Date for 2023 Partner Meetings:
Thursday, October 12th
Keewaydin State Park – Marina Pavilion, 10 am-12 pm 45165 State Route 12, Alexandria Bay, NY 13607
The PRISM Network hosts a monthly Speaker Series on the last Wednesday of each month (except, July, August, and December).
View the Webinar Schedule & Access Recordings
iMapInvasives holds training webinars after the PRISM Speaker Series from 1 pm-2 pm. Visit the iMap website for details and to register.
View Events Pages of the PRISM Network