This article was featured in the 2023 Autumn Newsletter by Rob Willaims-SLELO PRISM.

This year, Team SLELO developed a robust Annual Work Plan that was separated into two parts. First was a special initiatives section which consisted of 9 initiatives and the remainder consisted of 85 activities, or tasks, that support all aspects of our Strategic Plan. Special initiatives targeted for the 2023 calendar year included: Eastern Lake Ontario Dunes Restoration, South Sandy Creek Restoration,  restoration of multiple terrestrial Priority Conservation Areas, a Watercraft Inspection and Stewardship Program, an Environmental DNA effort, a Pledge-To-Protect Marketing Initiative: our Eastern Lake Ontario Invasive Species Symposium, distribution of our Urban Forest Sustainability Guide and participation with the New York State Invasive Species Expo.

I am humbled to note that, as of the issuance of this newsletter, we have a 100% special initiative completion rate.

As to the remaining 85 specific activities/tasks that were outlined in our Annual Work Plan, and given that we still have several weeks remaining on the calendar year, I am happy to report an anticipated 93% completion rate. So what about the remaining 7%? These are activities that are either fluid in their design or that are dependent on other, external influences. In summary, a 100% completion rate on special initiatives combined with an anticipated 93% completion rate on specific tasks, isn’t too shabby!

Let’s all tip our hats to Team SLELO, our partners, volunteers, and community supporters for working collaboratively towards meeting our annual objectives and oh yes…..all that overtime!

Thank you!

              ~ Rob Williams


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