This article was featured in the 2024 Spring Newsletter by Rob Willaims-SLELO PRISM.

During the past few months, numerous partners have participated in planning sessions to refine the future of our program including setting priorities for the coming years. Ranger Teams were formed to focus on specific aspects of our strategic approach and each Ranger Team was led by a PRISM staff member.  

The SLELO partnership has three levels of participation: Principal Partners (those organizations with the greatest vested long-term interest in our mission), At-Large Partners (representatives from each of the five counties within the PRISM), and Cooperating Affiliates (any organization that takes an active interest and a desire to collaborate on SLELO endeavors). Currently, we have 23 partner organizations participating.

This year’s Ranger Teams were energized, focused, and members contributed their individual expertise to the future of our land and water protection initiatives. So, on behalf of Team SLELO, we would like to express our gratitude to the following individuals for contributing your time and expertise to our most recent Strategic Plan revisions.

              ~ Rob Williams


Anna Hardiman, IRLC

Crystal Wixon, Fort Drum

Daniel Bellinger, STR 

Emily Fell, DEC, WRI

Gabriel Yerdon, THC 

Jason Wagner, Fort Drum       

Jennifer Dean, NYNHP



Sarra Learned, OCSWCD

Spenser Busler, TILT 

Stacy Furgal, Sea Grant

Sue Gwise, CCE  

Tim Pyszczynski, DEC

Zack Simek, TNC 

Ranger Team Leads: 

Robert Smith, SLELO

Megan Pistolese-Shaw, SLELO

Brittney Rogers, SLELO


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